Good afternoon. If you have followed diplomatic
news in the past weeks, you may have heard of a kind of crisis between China
and the U.S.regarding cyberattacks against the American company Google. Many
things have been said about this. Some people have called a cyberwarwhat may
actually be just a spy operation -- and obviously, a quite mishandled one.
However, this episode reveals the growing anxiety in the Western world
regarding these emerging cyber weapons.
It so happens that these weapons are
dangerous.They're of a new nature: they could lead the worldinto a digital
conflict that could turn into an armed struggle. These virtual weapons can also
destroy the physical world. In 1982, in the middle of the Cold War in Soviet
Siberia, a pipeline exploded with a burst of 3 kilotons, the equivalent of a
fourth of the Hiroshima bomb. Now we know today -- this was revealed by Thomas
Reed, Ronald Reagan's former U.S. Air Force Secretary -- this explosion was
actually the result of a CIA sabotage operation, in which they had managed to
infiltrate the IT management systems of that pipeline.
More recently, the U.S. government revealed that
in September 2008, more than 3 million people in the state of Espirito Santo in
Brazil were plunged into darkness, victims of a blackmail operation from cyber
pirates. Even more worrying for the Americans, in December 2008 the holiest of
holies, the IT systems of CENTCOM, the central command managing the wars in
Iraq and Afghanistan, may have been infiltrated by hackerswho used these: plain
but infected USB keys. And with these keys, they may have been able to get
inside CENTCOM's systems, to see and hear everything, and maybe even infect
some of them.As a result, the Americans take the threat very seriously. I'll
quote General James Cartwright,Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who
says in a report to Congress that cyberattacks could be as powerful as weapons
of mass destruction. Moreover, the Americans have decided to spend over 30
billion dollars in the next five years to build up their cyberwar capabilities.
And across the world today, we see a sort of
cyber arms race, with cyberwar units built up by countries like North Korea or
even Iran. Yet, what you'll never hear from spokespeople from the Pentagon or
the French Department of Defence is that the question isn't really who's the enemy,
but actually the very nature of cyber weapons. And to understand why, we must
look at how, through the ages, military technologies have maintained or
destroyed world peace. For example, if we'd had TEDxParis 350 years ago, we
would have talked about the military innovation of the day -- the massive
Vauban-style fortifications -- and we could have predicted a period of
stability in the world or in Europe. which was indeed the case in Europe
between 1650 and 1750.
Similarly, if we'd had this talk 30 or 40 years
ago, we would have seen how the rise of nuclear weapons, and the threat of
mutually assured destruction they imply, prevents a direct fight between the
two superpowers. However, if we'd had this talk 60 years ago, we would have
seen how the emergence of new aircraft and tank technologies, which give the
advantage to the attacker, make the Blitzkrieg doctrine very credibleand thus
create the possibility of war in Europe.So military technologies can influence
the course of the world, can make or break world peace --and there lies the
issue with cyber weapons.
The first issue: Imagine a potential enemy
announcing they're building a cyberwar unit, but only for their country's
defense. Okay, but what distinguishes it from an offensive unit? It gets even
more complicated when the doctrines of use become ambiguous. Just 3 years ago,
both the U.S. and France were saying they were investing militarily in
cyberspace, strictly to defend their IT systems. But today both countries say
the best defense is to attack. And so, they're joining China,whose doctrine of
use for 15 years has been both defensive and offensive.
The second issue: Your country could be under
cyberattack with entire regions plunged into total darkness, and you may not
even know who's attacking you. Cyber weapons have this peculiar feature: they
can be used without leaving traces.This gives a tremendous advantage to the
attacker, because the defender doesn't know who to fight back against. And if
the defender retaliates against the wrong adversary, they risk making one more
enemy and ending up diplomatically isolated. This issue isn't just theoretical.
In May 2007, Estonia was the victim of
cyberattacks, that damaged its communicationand banking systems. Estonia
accused Russia.But NATO, though it defends Estonia, reacted very prudently.
Why? Because NATO couldn't be 100% sure that the Kremlin was indeed behind
these attacks. So to sum up, on the one hand, when a possible enemy announces
they're building a cyberwar unit, you don't know whether it's for attackor
defense. On the other hand, we know that these weapons give an advantage to
In a major article published in 1978, Professor
Robert Jervis of Columbia University in New Yorkdescribed a model to understand
how conflicts could arise. In this context, when you don't know if the
potential enemy is preparing for defense or attack, and if the weapons give an
advantage to attacking, then this environment is most likely to spark a
conflict. This is the environment that's being created by cyber weapons today,
and historically it was the environment in Europe at the onset of World War I.
So cyber weapons are dangerous by nature, but in addition, they're emerging in
a much more unstable environment.
If you remember the Cold War, it was a very hard
game, but a stable one played only by two players,which allowed for some
coordination between the two superpowers. Today we're moving to a multipolar
world in which coordination is much more complicated, as we have seen at
Copenhagen. And this coordination may become even trickier with the
introduction of cyber weapons. Why? Because no nation knows for sure whether
its neighbor is about to attack. So nations may live under the threat of what
Nobel Prize winner Thomas Schelling called the "reciprocal fear of
surprise attack," as I don't know if my neighbor is about to attack me or
not -- I may never know -- so I might take the upper hand and attack first.
Just last week, in a New York Times article dated
January 26, 2010, it was revealed for the first time that officials at the
National Security Agency were considering the possibility of preemptive attacks
in cases where the U.S. was about to be cyberattacked. And these preemptive
attacksmight not just remain in cyberspace. In May 2009, General Kevin Chilton,
commander of the U.S. nuclear forces, stated that in the event of cyberattacks
against the U.S., all options would be on the table.
Cyber weapons do not replace conventional or
nuclear weapons -- they just add a new layer to the existing system of terror.
But in doing so, they also add their own risk of triggering a conflict -- as
we've just seen, a very important risk -- and a risk we may have to confront
with a collective security solution which includes all of us: European allies,
NATO members, our American friends and allies,our other Western allies, and
maybe, by forcing their hand a little, our Russian and Chinese partners.
The information technologies Joël de Rosnay was
talking about, which were historically born from military research, are today
on the verge of developing an offensive capability of destruction,which could
tomorrow, if we're not careful,completely destroy world peace.
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