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Monday, November 21, 2011

Occupy Wall Street: The Fear of Shame

This make me beyond angry but I put this aside. What was the purpose of this? Was it to clear the walkway? Surely not as evidenced by the police officer who steps over them to take better aim at the protesters. Was the purpose a decision made by the powers that be that the Occupy Wall Street protests have gone on for too long? Was it out of boredom?

The Atlantic Magazine, through a quotation of George Orwell puts it that the police officer pepper sprayed the protester not because he wanted to do so, but because he feared what other would think if he backed down. Having realized it would be a nightmare to shoot students to the sounds of chants of "don't shoot students" electing to pepper spray, to the officer at least, was an attempt to retain dignity.

A dignity which was certainly lost.
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